The through line on this little side project is Time-Travel. Be it intentional, accidental, or looped. If the main characters move through time in a non-traditional way, they ended up on this list. It is by no means an exhaustive list (there are only 14 titles here) but hopefully it is a fun list. You can use the genre buttons below to jump to a section, and the titles above the posters all lead to the IMDB pages of the respective flicks.

To be clear, I've only watched about half of these. Some are recommendations from people, some are recommendations from the internet. Also if you have more suggestions, let me know!! This is just fun practice for me to work on my HTML and CSS skills.

I feel like it is important to mention that while I might dive into movies sometimes to pick them apart, it's all in good fun. I really just love movies, and when they don't make 100% sense or there is a fun alternate reading of it, all the better.

Also, I would like to mention a thing I didn't notice until my partner pointed it out; it's not Groundhog's Day, it's just Groundhog Day. Anyway, without further adieu ...

The List

Science-Fiction Rom-Coms

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day movie poster
It would be weird to leave out the one that started the whole list, so I wont. We all know and love Groundhog Day (except jackie who hates it). It's the tale of a jackass who learns how to pretend to be a good person when he got stuck in a time loop. Is he really a good person now, or did he just figure out how to be a deeply manipulative A-hole with a charming exterior. Who cares, it's a movie. Fun Fact: My partner went to college with the son of Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned)!

Palm Springs

Palms Srings Movie Poster
This is one that, as of writing this, I haven't seen yet. Emilio suggested it iirc. From the trailer and a few reviews it seems like, what if Groundhog Day was about two people, and it was a vacation not a nightmare. Seems like a good premise, and Samberg is usually pretty funny. I wonder if he throws anything on the ground.

The Tiny Map of Perfect Things

The Tiny Map of Perfect Things Movie Poster
A time loop that slips into the "Indie" vibe. I haven't watched this one, internet suggestion. It looks pretty cute though, and unlike Palm Springs it's on a streaming service I have. I like that this goes in the "both of them are in on it" direction. The lead couple seems to fall for each other as they decide to document all the perfect moments that happen in their loop. It definitely gives me that artistically distorted view of reality feeling from the trailer but, not in the worst way.

When We First Met

When we First Met Movie Poster
How much you like this might depend on if you can stand looking at Adam Devine's face. I'm pretty hot and cold on this kid's comedy but he honestly puts in a solid performance. It's a cute rom-com with a time loop, exactly what we're here for. This one is little bit Groundhog Day a little bit Back to the Future, as every time he goes back to a very specific Halloween night three years ago, he wakes up in a new present. Will he get the girl? Do these movies teach us that women are just objects men are entitled to? Watch to find out! Seriously though, it's cute and funny. I liked it.

Meet Cute

Meet Cute movie poster
This is another one that I haven't seen and doesn't have great reviews but, it does fit the mold. Time-loop Rom-Com. Not entirely dissimilar to When We First Met (both in premise and the questionable appeal of the male lead) we have a main character who finds a means of time travel and enjoys a day (or night?) over and over. The twist? This time the lead role is a lady. She falls in love with the male lead and stuff happens. Honestly, I'm into it. Even if the trailer leads me to believe they literally just swapped the problematic possessive male role, for a female one. Despite the fairly mixed reviews, it seems fun.

Science-Fiction Comedy

Back To The Future

Back To The Future Movie Poster
I initially left this off of the list, in part because it felt too obvious. Who hasn't seen at least one of these. It's the most classic of the classics, the origin of the genre in many respects. So I guess Alli probably hasn't watched it. Which is a shame because it is quite the cultural icon really. It spawned 2 sequels, a short that explains why we don't have hoverboards, an animated show in th 90's, a few video games, and even (for better or worse) Rick and Morty.

Hot Tub Time Machine

Meet Cute and When We First Met eased us out of the traditional loop formula, and so now we easy out of the romance part as well. Well, mostly, there is definitely a romance part to this but, I think it's more about temporal hang-over hijinks. That, and finding out what happened to the bell-hop's hand.

Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes Movie poster
Haven't watched this one, but I heard about it a while back it sounds super fun. It's done in the "One Shot" style, same style as 1917 but without all the pesky war trauma. Centers around a guy who has a computer monitor that can see two minutes into the future. I've only watch the trailer but it honestly looks like a solid one.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure movie poster
If ever there was a classic of the Sci-Fi-Com genre, it was Bill and Ted. The first entry in what would (eventually) be a trilogy, this movie is about two stoner musicians and their time traveling phone booth. I've never been graced with the pleasure of watching this movie, but like many people I'm aware of it via pop-culture osmoses. Which I think says a ton about the enjoyable nature of the movie.

Time Bandits

Time Bandits Movie Poster
I only remember about five seconds of this movie and I'm not even sure that was real. I was like 10 and stone cold sober. I'll say this, you might not always know what is happening while watching a Terry Gilliam movie, but you'll walk away very confused about how you felt about it. It's not my scene but this might be one of those "better when you're not sober" kind of rides.

Science-Fiction Romance

The movies in the Time-Travel Romance genre are almost all pretty poorly reviewed. For good reason. Look, I enjoy a good romance, but good is something these movies are not. So the two in here are one that I don't like but is too well known to leave off the list, and the other is quite possibly the only well reviewed movie of it's class.

The Time Traveler's Wife

Time Taveler's Wife Movie Poster
I would like to be very clear, this is on here because it is a pretty well known one and not because I think it's good. Because it isn't. I just feel like it's a pretty iconic example of the time-travel + romance mash-up. It's the story of Rachel McAdams falling in love with a man who can not control his ability to travel through time. Which is a pretty big red flag imo

About Time

About Time Movie Poster
This one comes with the endorsement of my partner, I never saw it. She said it was fun and cute, which are two words she rarely uses in a positive light when it comes to movies. For the second time in a row on this list, Rachel McAdams plays a woman with the terrible luck of dating a time traveler. I mean, I'm pretty sure it works out better than the last one but, it's for sure one of those "if I had a nickle every time it happened I'd only have two but it's weird that it happened twice" kind of deals.

Honorable Mentions

Safety Not Guaranteed

Safety Not Guaranteed Movie Poster
Ok, this goes into the Honorable Mentions because while time travel is a topic it's not a core component of the plot. Well, it is, but in a less direct mechanical fashion. Which is to say the plot is character driven, and not time travel driven. I really enjoyed this one, it's a little slow but if you like Jake Johnson or Aubrey Plaza you'll like this. And if you don't like them, I think you might need therapy. Please, look into that.

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko Movie Poster
Neither a comedy, nor a romance. But man, I love this movie. More due to nostalgia than anything else. It just oozes angst in the best 4th dimensional way possible. A mild mind fuck, and just a weird ride. The lesser known sequel to it (S Darko) was not as good, but it certainly wasn't awful.

Russian Doll

Russian Doll Movie Poster
Death on your birthday, over and over and over. I really loved this show, and it's only in the Honorable Mentions category because it's a show and not a movie. Natasha Lyonne is, as always, a force to be reckoned with. If you haven't watched it yet, all I have to say to you is: why do you hate life?

Two Distant Strangers

Two Distant Strangers Movie Poster
Last, but no means least (that would be Time Traveler's Wife) this one is down here because it isn't really a romance or comedy. It deals with the time loop and death, but rather than a silly plucky adventure, it's used as a means to address a pretty obvious political issue. I feel like it manages to do it well, and it does so in a little over half an hour. If you've got a lunch break that you don't want to feel super cheery after, give it a watch.